Many people use my compute to surf in the Internet. However, I don't want them to open some specific websites. Could I block those websites in IE9 so that others who use my computer can't open without my permission.
Using IE's content advisor to block certain website.
- Open your IE browser. Click on "Tools" which looks like a gear, and then select "Internet options".
- In the "Internet Options" window, select "Content" tab, and then click on "Enable" button under "Content Advisor" section.
- Select "Approved Sites" in the "Content Advisor" window. Type a website which you want to block in the box under "Allow this website". For example, I enter "".
Then click "Never" button to disable this website. You will see this website added in the list.
- Click "Apply" button in the bottom of the window. If you want to use a password to protect it, you select "General" tab and check the box next to "Supervisor can type a password to allow users to view restricted content". Then click "OK" button to close this window.
- Now you will see a new window which let you enter password. Type your password and hint, and then click "OK" button to close this window.
- Now open the Website which you block before through IE9, and then you will see a window that ask you to enter the password. If you want to view this website again, you should enter password, or you could not open it.